What I’ve learned along the way


A Positive Mindset Brings Positive Action

Positive thinking is an optimistic state of mind, a mental and emotional attitude looking at the sunnier side of life and expecting positive results. The anticipation is one of being healthy and happy and not getting discouraged when things don’t go as planned. Your brain is your bitch, and your thoughts affect your actions.  So you need to keep your thoughts in check. In turn, your actions translate to whether you try and succeed or stay stuck in a rut. Our thoughts are the most powerful tools we have and the truth is that it is through our thoughts we create our reality.  To harness the power of positive thinking we need to become a master of our emotions taking responsibility for how we think, act, and feel. In life, we can choose to focus on positive or negative things. In any scenario, it’s how we react and take action to those scenarios that determine our level of happiness. Having a positive outlook enables anyone to better cope with stressful situations and reduces harmful health effects that can happen to your body. But in order for positive thinking to yield results, it needs to be combined with positive action. A positive attitude alone may not solve all your problems but positive action of actually making decisions and following through on them, not only means your doing something about an expectation and actually getting shit done, you are happier in life because of it. 

Find Your  Magic and Work It

Has someone ever told you to “work your magic” and then lo and behold you figure things out tackling whatever challenge is in front of you exceptionally well in the process and getting your desired outcome. When looking back you get that feeling of being amazingly proud of yourself thinking wow, I did that and had no idea how (at first), but you did it. That’s your magic, baby. That magic happens when we trust ourselves following our passion(s) and heart, “working your magic”, to make shit happen.  You see, it is all about attitude, urgency, and action to make anything go from dream to reality.

Embrace Your Inner Badass

We are all uniquely special no matter what skill, talent and /or learning, or knowledge we have, and they are all in us waiting to be unleashed.  Trust me, you have talent whether you realize it or not. Discovering our talents and or learning a new skill and using these together to create one’s magic guides someone towards their purpose.  Need proof? Take a look at the new wave of entrepreneurs that emerged to overcome the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. There are businesses that have, or are in danger of failing during this pandemic, but there is also a silver lining.  Many businesses have reinvented themselves, and numerous new digital businesses have emerged.

Covid-19 was definitely a catalyst when millions of people lost their jobs. For those who found themselves with little or no income, this meant anything from going into a completely new direction, having to re-skill in something new, or pursue a passion or interest that could provide an income. Many had to embrace their inner badass and ask, what can I do? Even economists are in awe of this sort of business boom that has taken place in this recession/pandemic.  According to the Census Bureau, 4.3 million, new business applications were filed in 2020, one million more than in 2019. In 2021, it’s up 127% in comparison to last year and we’re only in July! In conclusion, there are many people right now working their magic to make shit happen for themselves. 

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

With the shutdown, people had more time to think about how they value their time making an income and therefore focused on pursuing their entrepreneurial spirit. The need and urgency created by the pandemic to find additional sources of income and opportunities forced many entrepreneurial spirits to embrace their inner badass and work their magic in order to survive and thrive. Many people are choosing to pursue a journey of passions and goals finding sources of income in opportunities that are not found in salaried jobs. On the other side of fear, in this case, less or no income due to the pandemic, is financial freedom. This movement has created one of the biggest shifts the U.S workforce has ever seen. A recent survey shared that 96% of new business owners said they always wanted to start a business, 40% of them said COVID-19 was the push they needed to get started and 37% said the pandemic provided a business opportunity.  Start-ups boomed during the pandemic and entrepreneurs are finding their niche.

Passion Is the Fuel That Propels Change

Ask yourself, when was the last time you lost track of time doing something you love and that made you happy? Your magic is most likely happening in those moments.

Let’s take a look again at the Covid-19 pandemic as an example.

In the U.S, talk around town is how everyone is quitting their jobs as part of the “great resignation”. The pandemic has changed the thinking of many workers across generations who have now been working from home for months. Many are reconsidering how valuable time really is, and as the pandemic wanes, the majority of people are now choosing to focus on more important priorities for their own happiness and wellbeing. The Covid-19 pandemic has given so many people all the right reasons to change the direction of their lives, while remote work changed how people think about where they want to work.

Leading the way and flexing their millennial magic, millennials are pursuing passion over paychecks more than their predecessors as Generation Z now starts to enter the workforce. The millennial perspective on the job market is very different and being tied down is so pre-pandemic. With people now more than ever having the ability to do so many things from anywhere in the world, the workforce will need to adapt to the biggest change of all, we are past the age of being just one type of worker. 

Millennials have changed the workforce with their mindset, as the generation dedicated to living a fulfilled life and not afraid of letting their passions guide their decisions. More people across generations are turning hobbies and passions into successful business alongside their traditional 9-5 jobs, or, sometimes, even leaving those jobs altogether in pursuit of a richer happier life. The post-pandemic workforce will actively be driven by passion seekers across generations as we see people are becoming unapologetically themselves finding ways to survive. The result is massive changes across the workforce, from hybrid work, remote work, and poly work. The mindset of prioritizing quality of life and value to society over money will be key for companies to understand when looking to retain top talent as many workers push back on the return to the office.

Where There’s a Willingness, There’s A Way

Millennial and Gen Z employees lead the concept of a poly work life.  Meaning, work is now more flexible and fluid, and work isn’t tied down to a specific time and place anymore. In today’s world, work is the multiple things you do, pursuing multiple interests and things that you’re passionate about that allow you to make an income. Flexible work technology allows anyone in today’s world to expertly manage multiple projects, pursue multiple passions and interests from the convenience of their phones. It comes as no surprise that in a recent study done by Polywork they found that 64% of those surveyed said they were already doing more than one job or hoped to in the future, and of those, 55% shared that an exciting life was more important than money. Work is no longer just about paying the bills, work now has to accommodate more passion and life.  The world is finally choosing to do more of what makes them come alive and be happy.

Improved Mental Health and Wellbeing

Your mental health influences everything about you and shapes your daily life. Having a passion and pursuing something of interest can improve your heart, body, and overall wellbeing.  Tying together what you are passionate about and what you do for work used to be an inconceivable thought as not every job affords the possibility of pursuing a passion. In today’s world that is no longer the case. In fact, actively engaging in and pursuing a passion is one of the key ways to keeping up with your mental wellbeing. Doing more of what you like to do and pursuing that something that gratifies leads to increased happiness, an open mind, and a sense of self-worth. Even the latest growth mindset research encourages people to develop their passion for the exact same reasons.  By following many passions and interest it reminds you’re that your not just living life to work and earn money, but to sustain the life you always wanted to lead.

Only You Can Manifest The Best Version of Yourself

By following your passions and pursuing your dreams a few amazing things start to happen in your life.  You start getting exposed and interested in so many different things, living life according to your own rules, getting braver and more confident, and in the process become the best version of yourself.  So focus on pursuing your dreams, there is no time to stop and pay attention to what other people may think or have to say, nor do you even care.  You’re too busy working your magic, embracing your inner badass, and making shit happen. Your mental health thrives taking charge of your own happiness when you discover what really gets you motivated to act. The process of exploring your many passions is part of what makes life fun and guides your bigger purpose. Be unique and unapologetic in pursuing whatever it is that makes you live a happier life.

As I dive deeper into this topic I ask:

What happens when we become the best version of ourselves following our passions and dreams?

Until next Time ~ Ayri

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