by ayerim | Apr 27, 2021 | Thought Leadership, Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Spring is in the air…and so is the travel bug! More and more, Americans are feeling it’s safe to start planning, booking, and traveling again. As a travel expert, the news of the rebound makes me very, very happy! Various travel and consumer reports and surveys...
by ayerim | Apr 21, 2021 | Lifestyle, Passion & Purpose
I’ll start this post with a few life musings for you: Is it purpose or meaning we seek? Are we really living or simply surviving? Why do we get up in the morning? What’s truly important? What will be the thing that makes us fulfilled and when will it reveal itself?...
by ayerim | Apr 16, 2021 | Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
A Q2 Tourism Update Some welcome good news for the tourism & hospitality industries: A growing portion of the U.S. population is feeling more confident about traveling again. This surge is, in large part, fueled by 56+ million Americans having now been...
by ayerim | Apr 4, 2021 | Lifestyle, Passion & Purpose
The Journey of Discovering our Lifes True Purpose As we travel along the journey of discovery of our life’s true purpose, the lessons in each of the many chapters are meant to be there, just for you. To teach us and to help us become the best version of ourselves. In...
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