Self Care necessary for your own wellbeing
Are you someone who can’t seem to squeeze in that extra time you need each day to take care of yourself for just a little bit? Do you get into the habit of, “I’ll take time for me tomorrow,” and before you know it, months have passed? Everyone gets caught up with life’s realities, and the truth is, that while we know self-care is super important to our mental and physical health and wellbeing, making the time (and energy!) to do something for ourselves takes effort and planning. Practicing self-care in an always-connected fast-paced world shouldn’t be considered a luxury, but rather, a necessity. Carving out micro-moments of self-care is a great way to stay connected to your own wellbeing throughout the day.
Self Care Priority #1 : YOU.
As hectic as life may get, to truthfully navigate your journey and find your purpose, you need to always re-prioritize your mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes it’s easier said than done when life gets in the way. As a working mom, I find that what works for me is scheduling “me time,” like I would a doctor’s appointment. Schedule your “me time” for whatever it is YOU like to do. For some, it’s a monthly massage, facial or wellbeing/ beauty treatment. For others, it’s time alone reading or listening to a book or gardening. Anything that you like to do.
Meditate..breathe…be still take in your micro-moment of self-care
Even if it’s just for a few minutes, every day you can take the time to just be still. No thinking, just feeling, and breathing. No need for a fancy chair, just sit or lie comfortably and close your eyes and breathe naturally. Focus your attention on your breath and how your body moves to let go of thoughts. Practicing meditation is to practice being in the present moment. Just start here.
Appreciate Your Walk to Anywhere on the road to Wellbeing
Some people, for whatever their circumstances, just can’t get up and physically walk. Some can walk with ease while others in pain. If you’re able to put one foot in front of the other, and keep moving forward, appreciate the walk…to anywhere. If you can, at a minimum, walk 30 minutes a day. Even better, work it into your day. Incorporating more walking, reduces health risks, helps maintain a strong heart, and will make you happy.
Self Care requires a set Bedtime and get Quality Sleep
Getting the right quality of sleep is often overlooked. Sticking to bedtime isn’t a just rule to be followed by children. It should follow all the way through to old age. The right quality and quantity of sleep start with standardizing bedtimes and working with your body’s natural clock. The older you get, getting enough sleep is a must to function at your best. A lack of sleep can deprive the body and mind in numerous ways. Without even knowing it, your sleep deprivation could be impacting the way your body functions.
For Your Own Wellbeing, Take time to Enjoy the View
Take time throughout your day to just enjoy where you are. Even if that means taking time before the day starts or near the end to catch a sunrise or sunset…one of my personal favorite things to do. If you’re fortunate to have lived in more than one place or traveled to different countries, you know the benefits of taking in something different. So, even on those “regular days”, when life maybe gets mundane, take time to enjoy the view.
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