by ayerim | Sep 23, 2023 | Lifestyle
Share this… Linkedin Twitter Email Facebook Whatsapp Chasing Dreams with the Heart’s Compass If only we had a dollar for every time someone asked us, “Why did you leave the beaches of Aruba for New York?”, we likely have enough to hop a direct flight back to...
by ayerim | Mar 21, 2023 | Lifestyle
Share this… Linkedin Twitter Email Facebook Whatsapp A Debt of Gratitude To Our Farmers Have you ever stopped to think about the hard work and dedication that goes into getting food on your table? As we go about our lives it is easy to forget the hard-working...
by ayerim | Oct 1, 2021 | Lifestyle
Ulster County New York The Hudson River Valley region is one of the most beautiful areas in all of New York, and Ulster county is just one of the hidden gems along the banks of the river. Ask any local resident and they will tell you the same, it’s space...
by ayerim | Sep 17, 2021 | Lifestyle, Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Mother Natures Colorful Show is Now Getting Started If you are looking for a quick getaway for some awesome leaf-peeping just far away enough from your daily hustle and bustle, then I recommend visiting the mid-Hudson Valley region of New York for an unforgettable...
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