Mental Health Facts
On this journey called life, there are ups and downs that happen that will affect one’s mental health. That’s just a life fact. Learning how to cope with mental health challenges will be key to navigating life. While everyone is busy making a living and life, sometimes it can get overwhelming. For yourself and your loved ones. Make it a normal habit to regularly check in with yourself and those you love and openly share and talk about the status of your mental health. Sometimes for no apparent reason or perhaps too many reasons, aka, life stressors. One can go feeling a little sad, down, or overly stressed and worried for a little too long. When these constant stressors, are too much, they can change the way a person thinks and behaves. Affect one’s emotional state and wellbeing. These conditions are commonly referred to as mental health illnesses. Openly talk about how you feel and think. If the feeling is anything less than happiness, take action steps to improve your mental health. One of these ways is continually finding and uncovering your passion(s). This is one activity throughout life to put high on your priority list, your passion(s) will grow and shift as you do, and it is one way to continually improve the state of your mental health.
No One Is Immune to Mental Health Illness
Oh no, that won’t happen to me….wrong!
Brain-based conditions affect an estimated 44 million Americans a year and millions more around the world. No one is immune to experiencing a mental health illness. Yet, most people believe that mental health conditions are rare and “won’t happen to me”. But, truth be told, mental health conditions are very common and more widespread than you may think. Some of the commonly known brain-based conditions people are familiar with include depression, bipolar, dementia, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. Mental illness can also be caused by genetics or biochemical imbalances that occur when there are prolonged environmental stressors that can affect a person’s mood, personality, and personal habits. The most prevalent mental health illness affecting millions of people today as the pandemic recedes into the background are anxiety and depression brought on by burnout.
Uncovering Your Passion Can Support Your Mental Health
A clear sign that your mental health may not be at its best is when you find it difficult to find the motivation and energy to do all the things that just need to be done. Big things or little things. It really doesn’t matter. Finding the energy to do them both mentally and sometimes physically is and can be challenging. This is where uncovering your passion(s) can support your mental health.
Put Your Passion(s) to Work for You
Passion is the fuel that propels change. In the simplest of definitions, passion is what motivates us to do the things we love. That inner fire that fuels one to act, allows one to do amazing things in life. Passion is fueled by the relationship we have with our own emotions (feelings) and suppressing your emotions whatever they may be, (anger, sadness, grief, frustration, etc,) affects your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Uncovering and doing more of what you are passionate about can help you heal and support your mental health. Keeping your emotional wellbeing in balance. When you are busy with your passion, you tend to lose track of time, eagerly looking forward to doing the thing(s) that drive you. That drive has a trickle effect that also helps you do everything else in life.
Cultivating Something That Makes You Feel Fulfilled
Cultivating something and pursuing something that makes you feel fulfilled like your passion makes your feel good and improves your overall wellbeing. Working on yourself makes you feel good. Good mental and emotional health is imperative in order to consistently be in a positive state of mind which keeps one motivated to do all the things. Researchers discovered that those who pursued something they enjoyed were 34% less stressed and 20% less sad when doing other activities.
Emotional Awareness is Key to a Mentally Healthy Life
Take note and do not misunderstand, being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean you are happy all the time, it just means you are more aware of your emotions that affect your mental health. When you can control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors you can cope with life challenges and bounce back from setbacks. Research shares that strong emotional health is a skill and that there are steps that you can take that will improve your overall mental health.
Skills to Add to Your Life Tool Box
Finding your passion and purpose, pursuing a passion, and spending time doing what feels meaningful to you is one of those skills. Other ways to improve and maintain good emotional and mental well-being include learning methods to cope with stress such as breathing and meditation, expressing your feelings, finding ways to reduce anxiety, taking care of your physical health, and staying positive. End of the day there is many different things and life stressors that can influence the state of your mental health. Learning how to manage and balance one’s emotional and mental health is key to happiness and overall wellbeing.
Bring Daily Awareness to Mental Health
You too can help bring awareness to Mental Health, not just this month (Mental Health Awareness Month), but daily! First, prioritize your own mental wellness. CHECK-IN with yourself! Very important. When you feel anything going off balance take the day to disconnect and focus on your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Second, check-in on the people in your life. Last, Start conversations about mental health and make sure that you can recognize the signs that can be harmful. Reach out for help or work on helping others to flip the script.
How’s your Mental and Emotional Health today?
Until next Time ~ Ayri
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