International Travel Expected to Boom This Year
While last week’s trending news was a rollercoaster announcement on mask mandates. This week it’s the allure of summer vacation to Europe or the Caribbean!
Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, Covid-19 variants, or the possibility of a looming recession, this summer Americans are jetting off on a well-deserved splurge-friendly, guilt-free vacation. Americans are eager and ready to travel to Europe and in-between EU countries or the Caribbean islands. Now that the majority has lifted Covid-19 restrictions it makes travel easier. While the Caribbean has already experienced some of the pent-up demand this spring, European destinations will see a tremendous pick up this summer. Various travel organizations, tour operators, travel agents, statistica (from various countries), and search reports data show that there is a significant increase in tourist planning and booking of various destinations within the EU for vacation this summer. In fact, some are starting to claim nearly sold-out status. Popular destinations include Italy, France, Montenegro, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Croatia, England, and The Netherlands. In the Caribbean, there are many islands that continue to rebound and have also removed all entry requirements. Heading south for a vacation means quality time with the sun, sand, and sea and the chance to dine al fresco at night thanks to the cool ocean breeze. Choosing the best island to visit this summer may not be an easy task. Popular destinations in the Caribbean include Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Antigua, Martinique, Saint Maarten, Curacao, and Aruba.
Summer 2022 Busiest Travel Season Ever
As more regions around the world continue to ease entry and pandemic era travel restrictions pent up demand that’s been building for the past two years will indeed boom. As people are getting back to travel a new variant has taken ground, however medical experts say there is no need to concern ourselves at this time, especially if you have been vaccinated and boosted. The pandemic made everyone realize you can’t take the ease of travel for granted and are counting down the days to unleash some pent-up wanderlust.
Where will you head off to this summer?
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